Goðsagnir um vændi31. janúar 2014

Við höldum áfram þar sem frá var horfið og hér má sjá goðsögn númer 2.


Við höldum áfram þar sem frá var horfið og hér má sjá goðsögn númer 2.

Goðsögn númer 2:

Myth 2:“It is a job like any other.”

Do you know any other job where people face a mortality rate 10 to 40 times above the average? Where 60 to 80% of “workers” experience regular physical and sexual abuse? If this is a job like any other, how come so few women from Western Europe take the opportunity? How come the overwhelming majority are migrant women? Does this mean that this so called “job” is only for the foreign women in your country? For the sake of gender equality, should we campaign to promote this job for men? There are trade unions in Europe that do not see prostitution as a job as it is incompatible with the safety and the dignity, as well as the “career” progression, associated with a profession.

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Hafa samband

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